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Samedi 8 février à 11h :  au Bleuet « Elles étaient neuf, l'histoire vraie de l'évasion d'un groupe de femmes qui a survécu au pire de l'Allemagne nazie » aux éditions Des Femmes en 2024. Venez la rencontrer autour de ce récit fruit de longues recherches et largement salué par la critique. Au programme : présentation du livre / lectures / échanges avec l'autrice, dédicaces. Buffet partagé : apportez un salé ou un sucré, le Bleuet offre les boissons.

I finished the manuscript for my next book at the MacDowell Residency 

I spent a profound and peaceful month of February 2024. I will forever be grateful for the time, generosity and care, the miracle of lunch basket delivered to my door each day, the bobcat I saw twice, the fireplace, the quiet, and the true repose for my soul. my-cabin.jpeg

Proud to have a poem appear in the brand new Marlow Review

I wrote the cover story for the Jewish Chronicle.

I have signed a contract for my next book with St. Martin's

For now I will keep quiet about what it is going to be about. Just doing the research and figuring out the structure.

And Panicking!  Can I do this story?

I better get to work...

A Real Book Signing!

I had so much fun at the book signing at the Red Wheelbarrow in Paris on June 6th. Guigui's family came: her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Other descendants from the other nine women came as well. I felt honored.

Foreign Rights!

UK cover design

The wonderful team at St. Martin's have sold foreign publishing rights to the UK, Canada, Italy, Finland, The Netherlands, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Japan, Poland, Lithuania, China, Romania, Slovakia, France and Hungary! It's a very exciting time. I feel lucky to work with such a brilliant team.

French Edition!

The Nine is finally out in French!!!

The Polish version of the Nine!

Cover for the Italian version of The Nine

Cover of the Dutch version!

This is the Cover for the Portuguese edition published in Brazil!


 Cover from the Romanian edition.

The Slovenian cover for the Nine.

Japanese Version of The Nine

Here is the cover from the edition of The Nine published in Finland!

Reading Guide Available

Reading Guide & Questions for Discussion (2.96 MB)

If your book club agrees to buy ten or ore copies of The Nine, I would be happy to zoom in and join you for a discussion Q&A. Here's a reading guide for discussion.